Set up the changing loan terms once, and then forget about it
Graduated Terms Mortgage Software
The Graduated Terms Mortgage Module is designed to service step loans, GPM, GTM, GPARM, deferred principal pay downs, and more!
Servicing Loans Has Never Been So Easy
Automatic notifications and flexibility in scheduling loan terms changes.
Handle Loans with Ease
Our Graduated Terms Mortgage Module allows you to handle loans with predetermined rate and payment changes.
Automate Notices
With The Mortgage Office, you have the capability to automate all of your borrower modification notices of interest rate, payment, and loan term changes.
Advanced Reporting
Generate comprehensive management reports and notices automatically within minutes!
Let The Mortgage Office Aid in Your Day-to-Day Servicing of GTM Loans
Service multiple types of step loans. Schedule loan term changes. Automate notifications.
Advanced Scheduling
Streamline your workload with the ability to schedule loan changes years in advance.
Day-to-Day Management Aid
The Graduated Terms Mortgage Module automatically generates notices and it also includes a comprehensive set of management reports to aid in the day-to-day servicing of these loans.
Seamless Integrations With
Popular Software
Built-in integrations with popular LOS systems, QuickBooks, and Microsoft products.
Take the First Step Toward Better Loan Management with The Mortgage Office
Speak with one of our demo experts today!